Tiny, it’s not in any way how Sarah Elkins presents herself to the world, but it is a physical trait that can be deceptive if you saw her before you understood what a powerful person she is. In today’s episode Sarah opens up about how she has owned being a 5’2″ woman in a world where power is defined by height and size.

Sarah has an amazing presence online as well as in rooms as a keynote speaker where she teaches people to tell their stories in a way that creates the best perception of their life and desired outcomes. Having not yet met Sarah in person, she is on my list of favorite people I have not yet met, it was news to me that she stands at the short end of the line. Sarah’s truly does present herself as larger than life and as you will hear her say, you have to be larger than life when you are smaller than others around you in order to stand out and command respect.

Hearing her share the ideals we place on height and the expectations attached to someone of her size, made me look hard at my own prejudices. Was I surprised to hear her height? Honestly yes I was, because her presence and character are so big, that in no way have I ever thought of Sarah as small. This just goes to show that you can not judge a book by it’s cover and that as much as we use size related terms to explain our respect or admiration of a personality, they may not always be in line with the physical size of the individual themselves.

But don’t take my word for it, listen to Sarah Elkins episode to hear in her words.

Sarah is a speaker, workshop facilitator, Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, musician and storyteller. Her clients are executives and teams committed to building relationships through improved communication, authentic connection, and curiosity, using storytelling as the foundation of her work. Her podcast, Your Stories Don’t Define You. How You Tell Them Will, is on iTunes, Spotify, and more.

Sarah lives in Montana, enjoys being outdoors, and loves to cook and host guests, nourishing all who visit.

Sarah is also the force behind the annual No Longer Virtual conference which brings together connections that were previously shared online and creates real world relationships. There are still a few spots left for 2019 at this link:
No Longer Virtual, Atlanta, 2019 – http://elkinsconsulting.com/no-longer-virtual/

Listen to Episode 15: Sarah Elkins

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